Unlock your neighbourhood with Neighbourly

If you want to find a small shop or the nearby vegetable seller or a housemaid, Google will guide you in your quest. Google has come up with another interesting application and they are ready to make everyone addicted to this app. You can ask this app ‘anything’. Now, when we say anything, we mean literally anything. From locating help for a vehicle break-down to selling an unused sofa to calling the school bus to arrive soon or even locating a good babysitter, Neighbourly will be there at your disposal.

The app uses networking techniques, much like the way Uber passengers rate drivers.

Here are the steps to use the app:-

Go to Play Store and search for the ‘Neighbourly’ app. Download and install the app on your smartphone.

Open the app and sign into your Google account.

Tap the green button which says ‘Continue as’ (Please mention your name). The app will seek permission to access device’s location. Agree to it.

It will locate your GPS position, which will scan your location and help you with your requirements.

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